Gospel News · June - August 2012

Gospel News — Jun-Aug 2012
here in Africa where poverty levels are very high. This will enable some to have a Bible of their own.
As secretary of the Livingstone ecclesia, I hereby request six Bibles, as we have six students who congregate with us regularly and who are able to read English very well.
--Bro. Likando Ilishebo
We are happy to inform you that our ecclesia is growing; eight members, one brother and seven sisters were baptised in 2011 and four Bible students are enlisted for the 40 lesson Bible course, none of them has a Bible. We are also requesting 12 Bibles, eight for newly baptised members and three for the Bible students. We hope and pray to enlist more Bible students and we will be informing you accordingly should the need for a few more Bibles arise. We hope to hear from you soon.
--Bro. Francis C. Mukabe
I received your note in the `Gospel News' sent to those who receive the magazine. Please do continue sending it to me as it gives me a lot of knowledge when I read and see pictures of brethren worldwide. I find the magazine to be very educative, so please don't stop.
The ecclesia at present has four members, with one student to receive baptism in April, God Willing, therefore I request five newly printed Bibles plus three for our ecclesial library and I live near a school, Lameck Basic School, which has two interested teachers and a school library, so if you can support this order, with God's blessings, I shall be very glad.
--Bro. Charles Kangwa
Please, we need about 10 copies of Bible Basics in Bemba, and we look forward to receiving these.
--Bro. Isaiah Mumba
I much appreciate your kindness in sending me Gospel News and other material.
Please continue with this spirit of love and dedication for the work of the Lord Jesus.
In the Old Testament, oil is shown as a means of worship, purification and healing, and as a symbol of comfort, joy, peace and light. When Paul wrote to the Galatians of the fruit of the spirit, he showed them as `love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, temperance, against such there is no law.' So oil is representative
of the spirit of service to others, for it is only in relation to other people that these virtues make sense. They are Godlike virtues manifested in their perfection in the life of Jesus, and we have to be transformed into his image.
--Bro. Caphes Sikanyika
Sitting frm the right is Breo. Alexses Mbwende, Ilishebo
Likando, Caphes Sikanyika, and Sister Gertrude's families.
The NEV is easy to read and more explanatory notes from the bible basics makes it extraordinary. I guess this will be a useful tool to all those serious students approaching baptism and for those among the brotherhood who can read English and don't have a Bible.
May God bless all those who contributed to the printing of the NEV. It's easy to read and includes a commentary to help the reader for further references.
As the acting Secretary of our small ecclesia, I think we would first request 20 copies of the NEV