Gospel News · June - August 2012

Gospel News — Jun-Aug 2012
Bibles for our brothers and sisters who are without their own Bibles, and those serious contacts we have. Concerning contacts, I think it helps to loan them for a certain period of time, unless they prove to be diligent with their lessons. This is just my own suggestion, to keep these Bibles for future use, for example, in Bible studies.
It's worrying when we look around the world. The signs of Christ's return are all over the place. Although the U.K. for example seems alright at the moment, there are financial difficulties, especially with the problems in the European Union, as there are countries like Greece, which have no money. This is the time to `lift up our heads' and look for our redemption with prayer and supplications.
It is for this reason, brother, that we must continue to commit our lives to God – to the One who created everything, - and to model our lives on the men and women of the Bible, those `of whom the world was not worthy' (Hebrews 11:38).
I was very thrilled when we read in Zechariah 12, that great prophet of the restoration, (v.3), "And in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for the people." What a wonderful hope we have, for these things surely speak of the time of our hope of immortality and of righteousness filling this sad world: "Come, Lord Jesus."
--Bro. Gideon Hankomone
Brother Gideon and I are working together in field ministries and am very impressed with the people's response. This encourages me to make preaching and Bible teaching to be my life time-duty. I am therefore appealing to you for help in this work. I formed a group called `Youths in Action' (YIA) with the aim of preaching in streets, schools and many other places. We will also be visiting old people to help them with their household work. Therefore, we are asking for Gospel materials to assist this work – old or new are all welcome.
--Bro. Chrivious Chimuka
I and the whole Ecclesia are fine. I am happy to announce that last year we baptized two
new members, Bro. Liven Sikabuli and Sis Seviour Sikabuli – now we have 22 baptized members here at Michelo Ecclesia.
We still wish to receive the Gospel News magazine: we are grateful to have received a parcel of interesting Scripture literature from you. It was good to read the magazine. We pray that God will be in the midst to bless everything, and so we hope to receive more copies soon. May God be with you all.
--Bro. Ackim Sikabuli
Bro. Ackim Sikabuli
Bro. Winnester Sikabuli