Gospel News · June - August 2012

Gospel News — Jun-Aug 2012
I am very pleased to let you know that I received Gos- pel News for December 2011. I am presently the Ec- clesial Secretary at Kasumpa, with eleven members as follows: Brothers John Kasanda, Harry Manda, Benson Mupini, Bernard Kabwe, James Kambobe, Bernard Musonda; Sisters Elizabeth Kasanda, Christine Mu- sonda, Josephine Kambobe and Judith Kaniki. Some are able to read and write, but speech can be a draw- back. They have expressed their wish to receive the new Bibles with an abridged version of Bible Basics.
--Bro. Vincent Moses Mwense
I received the NEV Bible with both my hands and with one heart. I now say, thank you so much from the core of my heart. The edition is truly a masterpiece, a very handy insight for the labourer in the Master's vineyard in preaching and witnessing work. The inclusion of Bible Basics, the Bible Companion and of course the commentary, verify the excellence. Congratulations to Carelink Ministries.
--Bro. Elvin Muntemba
It is very encouraging, through Gospel News, to read about God's word from brothers and sisters around the world. Furthermore, I appeal to you to send me 5 copies of the NEV for 5 contacts who are interested in studying the Word of God.
--Bro. Robert Miwele Mpondo
From left to right: Bre. Katongo.. Simumba, Nkweto, Muntemba,
Bro. Kombe, Miwele, Changwe. Front: Bro. Simbao and a
Bro. from Chililabombare. (Robert Miwele, Zambia)
This letter is to inform you that I have moved from Kasaka Ecclesia, Kafue, and am now with Kitwe Ecclesia. Since leaving Kasaka all correspondence has been cut off. This calling is personal, and since it is, I have to advance spiritually on a personal basis: I can ask you to forge ahead with me spiritually, but if you don't want to, you remain, because salvation is personal. Preaching the Word of God is also personal, since it is a personal call. Some brethren travel long distances, risking their lives to preach the gospel to thirsty people, using their resources. But `us' here, since it is a group calling, need to do preaching in a group as if afraid of the unknown, and we think that in a group we feel safe. But salvation is one by one – not as a group. Yes, if maybe one is not matured enough spiritually, he needs someone to teach him how to go about it, as an eagle teaching its young to fly, and is then left on its own. So the materials that we receive, plus our daily Bible readings, strengthen us spiritually, and one can `fight a good fight' to achieve the spiritual goal.
But Jesus commissioned us to go out and preach, not preach to our brothers and sisters on Sunday assemblies only – I know and have seen that they are good speakers – but to leave this and go out into the wilderness and search for the lost sheep and, if found, bring it joyfully in from the wilderness. But who can volunteer, using his resources and energy, that our God has given him? I personally am seriously in need of going out to preach, but lack `material.' Since moving from Kasaka Ecclesia to Kitwe Ecclesia, I have been asking if the Ecclesia has any leaflets as aids for preaching the gospel, but to no avail. Therefore, brother, I request personally from you, if you can send to me 10 Bible Basis, leaflets in great number, Sunday School books and teaching aids, as well as 4 New Testament Bibles and a full Bible for my own use. I hope our God of Israel will bless this request.
--Bro. Phillip Chilambwe
The NEV Bible will go a long way in spreading the Word of God the world over. There are still some people who cannot afford to buy one, especially