Gospel News · June - August 2012

Gospel News — Jun-Aug 2012
the earth' (Rev.5:10) – not in heaven. Another passage of Scripture which reveals that the dominion will be `under heaven' is Daniel 7:27.
--Bro. Bargley Muleya
Bro. Muleya on a preaching outreach
Kalomo Sunday School: left to right – Twine sister, Dorica
and Dolice; Sigma; Sydney; Anner; Monde and Steve.
All along I have been longing to receive the `Gospel News,' but I had no proper address, until of late. Kindly put me on the list of those to receive the magazine. I joined the Christadelphian family in August 1999. I live in isolation, but meet with brothers and sisters once in a while when I am able to pay for transport. My wife, who is also a Sister, and I are 28 Kms away from Kapiri Mposhi Ecclesia. Could you possibly send me a copy of `Wrested Scriptures,' as it will be a helpful book for us.
--Bro. Austen Mwaka
Thank you for the last parcel you sent to me for our Sunday School children. New Testaments which are very interesting and useful for the children to learn about and know the true God. The enclosed books and papers with Bible stories are also very helpful to us.
I have received the five Bibles which are very interesting, for the words are big to read, even for older people. In addition to these copies, could you please send seven more. It is very important to thank those well-wishers, those contributing to making it possible to print `Gospel News' worldwide as it is this magazine that helps to encourage us and enable more people to come to learn the Truth and receive rewards from our Lord when he comes.
--Bro. Chisosa Ostine
Kapirimposhi Sunday School