Gospel News · June - August 2012

Gospel News — Jun-Aug 2012
many questions, who has now refrained and says, "my question has already been answered by the commentary they have put down there". It has been made possible for many brethren and sisters to have Bibles of their own, not only these, even some of our very committed Bible students will soon be buried in water, dying with our absent Lord and being raised to newness of life. Thus they have helped many to have knowledge of the coming Kingdom. We have eight committed Bible students at the moment, and nine brethren who are able to read the English language
--Bro. Kelly Simayumbula
Bro. Oscar Chikobela and Sis. Chipego Muchango at their
wedding on 27.09.11. at Simutete Hall in Kalomo.
Bre., from left, Haggai, Coasta Kanembe and Oscar Chikobela packing
mud bricks for the construction of their Ecclesial Hall at Daphan Ecclesia.
Kalomo Sunday School
I would like to share with others who have the wrong interpretation of the `second coming of Christ,' because some, especially in Africa, believe that Christ is coming to get and take believers to live with him forever in heaven. The statement of the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 must not confuse and make us ignorant of the Word. Paul was using a kind of figurative expression to comfort those who seek the Lord.
I was sharing a Bible talk one afternoon on a preaching `outreach' topic on `the second coming of Christ', when I met with someone who said, `It is a waste of time to worship if we're to remain on earth and not go into heaven.' The Bible clearly says believers `shall reign on