Gospel News · May - August 2015

The following are some verses about,
“COME SUDDENLY” (Malachi 3:1)
Come suddenly again, O Lord,
Your temple waits for You today.
Come in accordance with Your Word,
Come suddenly even when we pray.
O blessed, blessed Christ bring the
revival we need most.
Most graciously our hearts prepare for
your great work in this our day.
Help each of us to do our share,
remove each hindrance from your way.
O Jesus our hearts inspire,
descend in all your holy fire.
We need you more than we can tell,
we need you more than we can say.
Our worldliness and sin dispel,
come cleanse and fill us all we pray.
O Jesus, come on us now as we
in need before you bow.
We pray Lord, light the flame once
more of Spiritual revival fire,
Come now as in the days of long ago
(yore) for we wait with great desire.
Come suddenly upon your own and
make your presence known.
Come suddenly and do much more
than we can do in months and years.
We plead your mercy, ever we praise you
that revival nears.
Come Jesus, descend today
come suddenly on us, we pray today.
CHIMIMBE | Sister Maicook
... continued ~
for all sisters, brothers, elderly and disabled
who have joined us in our church.
Half an acre of maize needs four large bags
of fertiliser, weight 50kgs each, 1 seedling of
maize per planting station, 25cm apart.
Every church member will donate 3kgs of
We need your best wishes therefore by
buying two bags of fertilizer which will mean
that you have built the Ecclesial Hall with us,
the brethren and sisters at Chimimbe.
Bro and Sis Aaron James
DZALEKA | Bro Shadreck Ngambi
Job said, “I know that my redeemer lives and
at the end he will stand upon the earth.” He
said this after he had lost all his treasures, his
children died, his body disfigured and even
his wife told him to curse God and die. A
redeemer is someone who can rescue your
life from a dangerous situation or even from
death. I believe that I can imagine the situa-
tion that Job was facing at that time was
more than death. With his great problems, a
very bad situation, Job spoke words of faith
and said, “I know that my redeemer lives and
~ continued...