Gospel News · May - August 2015

News from Malawi
CHIKWAWA | Charles Moses
One day, I visited my relatives who live in
Ngabu. There I saw a certain man was reading
a book called ‘Bible Basics’. I begged him
to lend me the book for one day so that I
could read interesting topics for myself.
Fortunately he permitted me to do so. The
book explains the principles of the Bible very
clearly without hiding truth and makes them
easy to understand. I am sure that if you send
me that book and other such books for
spiritual growth they will elevate my spiritual
As for now, I am looking for a Christadelphian
church around my home area to join and start
worshipping the Heavenly Father in spirit and
Finally, I will be very glad if my requests are
considered and responded to rapidly. May
God bless your ministry even more. I extend
my greeting to each of you.
BALAKA | Bro Lyton John
The present balance of power in the world
is split between many nations, some
strong and some weak. Daniel saw a little
stone hit the image on the feet, destroying
it and itself growing into a great mountain
which filled the whole earth. This stone
represented Jesus. The mountain which
He will create all over the earth repre-
sents the everlasting Kingdom of God
which will be established at his second
coming. This prophecy is in itself proof
that the Kingdom will be on earth and not
in heaven.
Charles Moses
P.O. Box 145, Nchalo, Chikwawa, Malawi
CHILEKA | Bro Kenneth Maganger
Many thanks for the Gospel News magazine
you sent to me which I am enjoying reading.
Please keep it up! The material you send us
is encouraging us in our spiritual life as the
name Barnabas means “Son of encourage-
ment” or “Son of consolation”, (Acts 11:22-
23). Therefore we are to encourage one
another and even to comfort each other in
times of difficulties.
We are now in the summer season when we
experience hot temperatures. The sun is now
overhead and we have long days and short
I would like to let you know that we have
received the gift of a baby boy, our fourth
child. His name is Patison and he is growing
well. God is looking after him well.This
means we have now three boys and one girl.
CHIMIMBE | Sister Maicook
Bricks were finished to mould, preparing for
the erection next year of our Ecclesial Hall.
Fields are also finished for cultivating, where
we will plant maize, groundnuts and soya
beans. Money from crops like these will
provide money for iron roof sheeting for the
Ecclesial Hall and also food for the children
at CBCC. Some maize will be the start pack
~ continued ...