Gospel News · May - August 2015

Bro David Corbin had a final report :
“2/2/15: 104 in attendance at the Bible class
at the Riga Bible Centre. We witnessed the
baptism of NIKOLAY. This made the fourth
baptism in the last three days. Two in Kiev on
1/31/15, another one outside Kiev on 2/1/15
and today 2/2/15. Truly, as in the days of the
apostles, the Lord added unto the ecclesia
daily such as should be saved. An observa-
tion: In the western ecclesias the rear seats
are the first to be filled and are the seats of
choice. Over here it’s the opposite. You have
to rush to get a front seat. With 104 in atten-
dance the Lord blessed the stretching of the
food, as Sis Hannah and Bro Andy were in full
Jesus has asked us to worship Him in spirit
and in truth (John 4:24) and that is the focus
of the Bible Centre: Firstly, to teach the
riches of God’s sound doctrines, agape love,
and eternal hope with poor and underpriv-
iledged people, and secondly, to warm and
fill them (James 2:16) with a healthy meal,
clothing, and refuge from the elements year-
round. I would love to return and spend
several months helping and teaching, God
Willing. It is especially inspiring to see that
these efforts are resulting in regular
baptisms and opportunities for brethren,
sisters and young people worldwide to
contribute to the spread of the Gospel.”
Bro Nathan Badger
Brothers Dave and Nate about to give talks at the Bible Centre; Brother Maxim at the computer
Sis Vanessa, Bro David and Bro Nate serving
~ continued ...