Gospel News · May - August 2015

She was in a lot of pain but very happy to see
us as she has no family. Tanya and Brigitta
have challenged me a lot with their content,
thankful nature and truly live by the verses
from Philipians 4:11-13 “...I have learned in
whatever situation I am to be content. I
know how to be brought low, and I know how
to abound. In any and every circumstance, I
have learned the secret of facing plenty and
hunger, abundance and need. I can do all
things through him who strengthens me.”
Sis Hannah Aldersely
Bro David Corbin
from Brooklyn ecclesia USA writes:
“I am very impressed and excited about
what's going on here at the Riga centre in
Latvia. Truly it’s an oasis of blessings both
natural and spiritual to this community.
First, the energy and professionalism of the
sisters (Vanessa, Rachel, Hannah) involved in
the cooking and catering. Secondly, the great
condition of the facilities, thirdly, the
marvelous and almost unbelievable atten-
dance from local brothers, sisters and the
visiting public. And fourthly, Bro Duncan’s
guidance, coordination and mentoring of the
Our first night saw almost 90 souls in atten-
dance on a dreary, cold and damp Tuesday
night. I got the impression that by far most
of these folks were not there for only the
natural food, which was extremely delicious,
but for the spiritual food also.
Afterwards we took one of our sisters home,
getting her five bundles of firewood on the
way to her home. It is heartbreaking to see
what and where this poor sister calls home.
No heat, light, security, absolutely none of
the comforts associated with a home. In an
abandoned apartment block, this sister is
squatting in a room on the second floor.
Access is through a broken window from the
hallway, which she covers with pieces of
plastic, discarded lumber and cardboard
boxes. Yet for all the sad things going on in
this sister’s life, she exudes happiness, grat-
itude and faithfulness. She conceals her
sorrowful condition with a joyful and posi-
tive attitude. What a noble sister.
The success of the days efforts belies the
struggles, anxious moments, cost, manpower
shortages and the long hours that goes on
behind the scenes. I say that this is evidence
of God’s blessings and help to prosper his
Bro David Corbin
Bro Nate Badger
of Ontario, Canada continues:
“I have wanted to visit the Riga Bible Centre
for several years, so it was exciting to finally
witness this Latvian light-stand first-hand.
Sis Deb, Bro Jonatan and Sis Hannah with Sis Tanya in hospital on New Year’s Eve