Gospel News · January - April 2015

Bro Gordon Ochieng
I send warmest greetings from
myself, family and the entire
ecclesia. Day by day life is
becoming unbearable. The cost
of living is exorbitantly high
and the Third World and coun-
tries like ours barely survive
from hand to mouth. My Bible reassures me
to be calm for these rudimentary problems
that cannot be solved by legislation are soon
coming to an end.
I appreciate the work of CAT and those
contributing towards its support, may God
bless both hands abundantly. Thanks for your
fatherly advice. Right now all local
correspondence is addressed to me, mark and
send such with concerned notes where
appropriate. We cannot get everything from
the U.K., but having the capacity we can
devote our time and energy in season and out
of season.
Recently I visited Siaga G.K. Prison and was
granted permission for 2 hours to share with
the inmates the glorious and wonderful hope
we have. It was spiritually uplifting and even
though they refused photos being taken I
arranged another visit before I left. Seven
interested friends were eager to learn the
Biblical truth.
I have already volunteered at the Latvia Riga
Bible Centre but due to
resources I may not make it,
but spiritually I am with them
through their effort to spread
the gospel. The same goes for
missionary work in Syria and
China. Pass my warm greetings
to Carelinks Missionaries in
Latvia and please include my
e-mail in your weekly high-
lights and updates. My camera has developed
problems but I am praying that God will
provide a replacement as it has been my
source of livelihood and support in local
missionary endeavours.
I had a tutor, father figure and friend in the
Lord in Torquay Ecclesia – Bro Ellis Price and
Sister Marjorie Price. In Gospel News I saw an
article from another brother at Torquay, Bro
Ralph Green. Can you send him my email
address so that I can follow up the where-
abouts of Bro and Sis Price? Bro Price was my
correspondence tutor for over 15 years and I
am also grateful to Bro Bill and Sis Carol
Rawson, being close to them in their
missionary work in Kenya in the early 1990’s
as interpreter made me learn and grow
Thank you for the books so far received and
please bear me in mind for any future publi-
cations worthy of serious reading. I am now
about to have my daytime meal of Ugali
(flour and water) and Omena (small fish),
prepared by my beloved sister/wife, Mary.
Centre: Baptism of Sis A at Obenga
beach in Lake Victoria
Above: Brothers and Sisters at
Manyuanda Ecclesia