Gospel News · January - April 2015

Carelinks | Women and Children’s Camp, Latvia
his was a great success and was held at
the housing project in northern Latvia. It
was great for city folk to get out into the
countryside to learn and respond to the
Cindy writes:
“I recently organized a childrens camp in the
housing project in Northeastern Latvia for
four days where we recorded three new Bible
songs in Latvian which were written
especially for the occasion with the help of
Sis Anna Ryder from the UK.
Four whole families from my Mums and
Toddlers group came from Riga, as well
as many of the local children. Recently
baptized Bro Indars was there with his wife,
Silvia, and their lovely little daughter. Each
day we had exercises and activities for the
kids which were themed around the Bible
verse for the day. This year we also visited
local farmers who kindly showed us how they
milk the cows, and even let the children
drink warm, frothy fresh milk which the city
children loved! We also visited a sheep farm,
had rides on a horse and cart, went down the
river on a barge and visited the local ice
cream factory.
The children loved listening to Bible stories
in the evening and playing with each other
all day long in the fresh country air. There
was also opportunity for some good conver-
sation about more serious Bible matters -
please pray that it will bring forth fruit. I'm
really hoping that the three unbaptized but
interested Mums will want to get more
serious about their faith. Everyone really
enjoyed the trip and are looking forward to
next camp, God willing. Thank you for your
Carelinks | Latvia
e have mentioned in previous reports
the amazing witnessing work achieved
by brother Ivar in the isolated care home he
lived in in rural Latvia. Many were baptized
there as a result of his witness - a man who
can barely talk, whose speech is hard to
understand, who is not online and yet who
uses hard copies of our publications to preach
to all and sundry. Our brother
has been moved from that care
home to another one.
It was a joy to visit him there
and baptize his room mate
ROBERTS. His clothes are
provided by the institution and
have holes in them, and yet
our brother's deep, almost
trembling respect for God's
word is the main thing in his
We plan on giving them a
laptop computer - there's no
internet, but in response to
the previous appeal, some old
Brother Ivar, left, with his room mate and new brother, Roberts
computers have been loaded with video, MP3
and text files of our various materials in
Russian. This could really open a new life for
them. We've heard from brother Shurik in far
Eastern Latvia that he has received the
laptop sent and is busy trying to figure how to
use it. He too is in a care facility.
Carelinks Reports continues on page 28