Gospel News · September - December 2013

Gospel News — Sep-Dec 2013
concerning God's Kingdom and His Son, Jesus Christ. We pray for him to remain steadfast in the last days. We have so many bad things taking place everywhere. Please keep on sending more spiritual literature.
--Bro. Manasseh and Sis. Doricus Wamamili
Thanks very much for your endeavour in supplying the spiritual literature to God's people worldwide. We are now members in Christadelphian fellowship and we are happy and wish to join together in faith and studying God's Word, especially in these hectic periods. A few days ago we came across your good NEV Bible version sent to Bro. Manasseh and Sis. Doricus. It is a great help in our daily studies of God's Word and has also proved to be a good version for students who have joined the secondary school this year. We use it at home and at the same time our sons like it in studying Christian religious education in school.
--Bro. Jacob and Sis. Phoebe Buyela
Kindly send my name and address to the publishers of Gospel Publicity League of Australia. I have been writing to them but still do not receive the pamphlets. My new box number is P.O.Box 14879 though the other one still operates.
I have enclosed the translation of the book "What's the Gospel?" in Luo language. The Luos are the second largest tribe in Kenya after the Kikuyus. Many would like to know the Truth but are not good at understanding and reading English or Swahili and as labourers in the Lord's vineyard it is our responsibility to accomplish the missionary obligations etc.
Laptops have been promised for all pupils of std.1, those beginning primary education. I was impressed that our ecclesias, especially in Africa, are baptising members every now and then; in Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ghana and Nigeria, just to mention a few.
Bro. Joshua Kisuya of Kenya is doing all he can to have brethren and sisters in Ethiopia as we are living in the last days. I am also glad that Bro. Agyeman of Ghana is still in the Truth waiting for the Lord Jesus. Bro.
Innocent Baruom of Kiberia Ecclesia, Nairobi, who is originally from D.R.Congo, is also tirelessly labouring in the vineyard, visiting and baptising people, especially in refugee camps, which is a commendable work.
Kenya is fine despite the Al Shabab threats and attacks. Please help us to pray. When will you visit Kenya? I always wish that one day we meet if Christ is still away, but we know that he is about to come as the events taking place now on earth show clearly that it is near. Do you have Bible Basics in Kiswahili, Luo, Luhyia or Kikuyu as some contacts would like these, or Bibles in those languages. The purpose of the gospel was to unite man again with God. The gospel is glad tidings, which means good news, but what is the good news?
--Bro. Samuel Wanga
Bro. Samuel Wanga teaching the young Yvonne the Word of God,
Bro. Samuel Wanga stressing a point from the Bible for some youths and Sunday School children.