Gospel News · September - December 2013

Gospel News — Sep-Dec 2013
Peter wrote to Christians about their need for hope and holiness. Christians are pilgrims of faith on the earth as it is now but their hope is to be in the Kingdom on this earth in the future. Peter's readers were being persecuted but they needed to have hope and assurance of their inheritance. Peter urges them to rejoice even in times of trouble. Note that Peter was a mere fisherman's son and that was where Jesus first found him.
--Bro. Jacob Okoth
I thank you for the books, pamphlets and all materials from CAT. Keep on doing the sterling work and in the will of God you will be rewarded soon in Christ's presence. It is a sacrifice for you and others and without you we should not have reached where we are now. You supply us with material and ours is to proclaim the Truth in "Christendom Astray".
The pioneers opinion stated that in the last days of human affairs (just before the coming of Christ), America would co-operate with Britain in her efforts against the world in arms. The friendly feeling that now prevails between the two countries and the rumours of political alliance between them, certainly looks as if this prognostication will to be fulfilled. Such an alliance would secure Britain's food supply in the direst emergency. It is wonderful how many of Bro. Thomas's political anticipations, based upon the indications of prophecy, have been realised. America would certainly, as you observe, make a fine strong lion, to roar in support of the young lions who will presently raise a chorus of growls against the northern bear when she comes down to assail the old mother. God bless all the overseers and the watchmen on this matter.
--Bro. Martin W.Barasa
Bro. Martin Barasa (left) with a friend on the right, Isaya Wanjala, after Bible Study in his home with others
Warmest greetings of love and peace we share together in Christ. Thanks for the noble work CAT are doing in God's vineyard. It is clear that it's endeavour is seen worldwide and we prayerfully ask God to give you good health, long life and pour out abundant blessings for this important work of salvation to continue while Jesus remains away. We are so thrilled for the parcel we have just received and we find your letter very informative.
Our sons Jim and Oscar are both in class 6 and one would like to become an engineer and the other a doctor. Millicent is in class 3 and would like to become a preacher when she grows up. Jim is 13, Oscar is 11 and Millicent is 8 years. We are just peasant farmers but hope that God will bless us with abundant resources to educate them so that these dreams may come true.
The NEV Bible has been given to one of our contacts and he is very interested in knowing things