Gospel News · March - May 2012

Gospel News — Mar-May 2012
Sisters at Asa Amator with their NEVs
Am so grateful for your good works in sending some copies of `Bible Basics', `Real Christ' and magazines for the proclamation of the Gospel. Following my recent marriage with Br. Endurance Ebane of Benin Ecclesia, please I would still like the magazines to continue to me through my new postal address. Please I wish to request for copies of the NIV New Testament Bible.
--Sis Lydia Chimdinma Endurance Ebane
I thank you for the information on the complete NEV with explanatory footnotes and a digest of `Bible Basics' which is undergoing production I pray that the Almighty God will continue to give you the ability to complete the project.
Please kindly send me eight copies at the completion of the project. May the Almighty God help me this time that they will not end in the hands of thieves at the Nigerian post office.
--Bro Igan i Eteng
I rejoice with you and Duncan's family for the new baby boy God has given to him. Romans 12:15. It has long since been my prayer for God to give Duncan a man who will help him in the Lord's work should he get old, should Christ remain away. May God who gave the boy, bless him and give him wisdom to grow in His ways.
Now concerning the Bible you mentioned, thank you for remembering us. If it is possible for you to send us one please do so in 2012. I used to buy