Gospel News · May - August 2018

BOLERO | Bro Luke Chawinga
We are very pleased
to announce the
baptism of Sis
Loveners Zgambo,
pictured, witnessed
by fifteen brethren
and sisters from the
surrounding Eccle-
sias. We are trying
hard to maintain
the standards of
the Truth in spite of the difficulties of the
way in these very difficult times.
ABA | Bro Elijah Eze
News from Nigeria
I have been appreciating and reading Gospel
News for a long time which strengthens me.
EBEM | Bro Gaius Egwu
At Nmuri River in Ebem Ohafia, last year a
new-born soul was added to the family of
Christ. We baptised Bro Olugu Egwu Kalu,
having spent time with Bro Olugu interviewing
and discussing with him the Gospel message.
The baptised brother is a senior brother to
Bro Gaius Egwu: his testimony is that he has
been studying and reading the life of his
younger brother and his books more than any
other, and that led him to conclude that
there must be difference between Christadel-
phian and Pentecostal Churches. He started
giving more attention to my preaching,
teaching, and spent time reading Bible
Basics, which finally opened his eyes to the
gospel Truth.
We are so pleased and thankful to welcome
him into the family of Christ. We pray that
God will use him to open the eyes of his
The family were members of the Mennonite
Church when I was pastor there, but the
Church was closed down after I found the
Truth and left the Mennonites.
Please continue your preaching efforts, for
they will be rewarded at Christ’s coming.
I strongly appeal once more for your kindness
to send us more Bible Basics, The Real Christ,
and The Real Devil. We also really need more
NEV Bibles, and the comments there are help-
ing many people to understand the true teach-
ing of the Bible.
EBEM | Bro Gaius Egwu ... continued ~
IBADAN | Bro Timothy Temilola
I appreciate receiving the latest issue of The
Gospel News (To All Nations) Magazine yester-
day afternoon. I am most grateful to you for
all the uplifting and edifying and instructive
articles contained in every page. Please kindly
keep it coming even as the Hope of the Lord’s
return draws nearer and closer to its grand
climax of end time events.
May the Lord continue to bless and prosper the
global mission work of Carelinks Christadel-
phian Ministries and the Christadelphian Ad-
vanced Trust. May His mercies and compassion
continually rest with you, Bro Duncan, Sis
Cindy and all the many volunteer representa-
tives, brothers and sisters working tirelessly
behind the scenes for the furtherance of the
Gospel of God.
UWANI | Bro Goddy Mwosu
Many attended the Eastern Ecclesia’s Fraternal
held at the Azumini Ecclesia in November and
there were two baptisms there. Our own
meeting was blessed with the baptism of Sis
Goodnews Ugwunter amidst great rejoicing of
us all as well as the angels in heaven.
MBOZI-SONGWE | Bro Raphael Mukya
News from Tanzania
We have been saddened by several falling
asleep in Christ at ours and the other local
Ecclesia Igale. We look forward to being again
with them in the Kingdom when Jesus returns.
We particularly found the latest Gospel News
very interesting and do hope our lack of Bibles
will one day be solved.