News from Kenya
News from Congo
Bro Mukambilwa, president of the Kinshasa
Ecclesia, and I recently assisted in the bap-
tisms of two brothers, Crispin and Toussaint
and two sisters, Blandine and Jolie from the
ecclesia of Maluku, a distance of 123km from
our own ecclesia of Kinshasa.
Following the baptisms we broke bread and
shared wine with our new brothers and sisters.
We pray that God may be with them and sup-
port them.
The baptisms took place in the Congo River
and pictured above from left to right are: Bro
Atutuna Crispin; Sis Mato Blandine; Bro
Mukambilwa (Kinshasa Ecclesia); Sis Jolie
Wanga and Bro Emongo Toussaint.
| Bro Marcus Losah
NAKURU | Bro Samuel Wanga
The omnipotent God urges us to choose life
rather than anything else. Human life is very
precious: one can use his or her last penny
seeking for treatment to save
their life to just get well and
possibly live a bit longer. But the
God of Abraham is giving us
eternal life at a very low price
– the most expensive part of
it, was paid as it were by His
only begotten Son, on Calvary’s
cross (2 Corinthians 5:1,2;
2 Timothy 4:18).
Some die whilst undergoing
treatment, while some recover
but still remain mortal and eventually die.
However the true believer has to just “Do
justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly
with thy God” to be granted
eternal life.
The current global crises, like
power wrangles, famine, earth-
quakes, wars, tsunamis etc,
etc, are all indications that the
Son of God is about to return to
Earth and establish the Kingdom
of God here for the righteous –
a world free from all the tribu-
lations that we are experienc-
ing at the moment.