e would like to say a huge thank you to
Bro Daniel Aldersley from New Zealand,
pictured below, far left, who ran the teaching
at the Bible Center for three months last
winter, not to mention entertaining our broth-
ers and sisters with his musical talents! Thanks
also to Bro Sam Brown, also from New
Zealand, who helped Bro Daniel with the
teaching for some of the time. Bro Jim Barton
has put together an appeal for support and an
explanation of what goes on at the Riga Bible
Center; you can watch it at:
Jim & Anne, Daniel and Jesse did a great job
putting on a special New Year’s
treat meal for the ecclesia and
visitors in Riga. They also distrib-
uted a large number of scarves
lovingly knitted by various broth-
ers and sisters in the Midlands of
the UK, representing thousands
of hours of work, for which we
are all so grateful! Turn to the
back cover to see the happy
group from the ecclesia wearing
their new scarves!
Carelinks | Latvia
The work is truly wonderful, with us providing
genuinely needed food and warmth for dozens
of mainly older folks, many of them now bap-
tized. We provide one hour of Bible teaching
before the feeding - five days a week. It’s a
great mesh of humanitarian provision and the
preaching of the Gospel. Please do support or
encourage others to support as far as you can.
Witnessing two baptisms got Sarah Kohlman
thinking... she was an unbaptized volunteer
who was working in the kitchen with Jim and
Anne and was raised in the Truth in an ecclesia
in Canada. She asked Jim and Anne to baptize
her, and they asked her to call her parents,
and take some time to think it over. After