Gospel News · May - August 2018
Here are some highlights from recent reports.
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hilst in Australia, Duncan and Cindy went
to Brisbane to meet brother Jafaari’s
wonderful family; he and sister Beatrice have
14 children. Duncan first met Jafaari in a
refugee camp in Malawi, Africa 25 years ago.
Jafaari had fled violence in his native Congo.
Over that period, Marcus mailed him Bible Ba-
sics, Gospel News magazine etc; as he and his
growing family moved around southern Africa,
finally in a camp in Namibia from where they
managed to get acceptance in Australia. They
were resettled in a large house in a small town
in Queensland.
His commitment has remained, and it was a
joy to baptize four of the children: brothers
Fataki and Mfaume, and sisters Liene and