Christadelphian Eastern States Fraternal Gathering
17-19 November at Azumini, Abia State
| Bro Ik Ugu (Asabi Ecclesia)
zumini in Abia State is the homestead of
our beloved late brother, Edwin Nwaboso.
There is no gainsaying the fact, that brother
Edwin Nwaboso would be much delighted at
the resurrection morn, to see that the lamp
stand he lighted during his mortal life is still
glowing while in the dust of the earth. No
doubt, Azumini Ecclesia has always been on
the good news, particularly the erection of a
permanent Ecclesia Hall nearing completion.
Historically, the Eastern, Western and North-
ern States have been conducting the Fraternal
Gathering separately, but common under-
standing came up some years back where
these groups came together and the fraternal
gatherings were conducted every two years
vis-? -vis, the Christadelphian Youth Circle.
Last year, Asaba hosted the entire All Nigerian
Christadelphian Youth Circle during the April
period which saw our two overseas brethren,
Dffyd Jenkins and Philip Oram, in attendance.
It is noteworthy to state that these brethren
have been good emissaries to Nigerian
brethren. However, it has been the thinking of
many across all borders (Eastern, Western and
Northern) that these two years hiatus is a big
lacuna in the affairs of those who crave for
daily and regular spiritual milk. Consequently,
on November 17, 2017 (the commencement
date), brethren from the Eastern States who
have been eager for the resuscitation of this
agenda, poured in myriads, closing their
shops, businesses, while government workers
took advance excuse duties to be part of the
show and grace this wonderful occasion.
It is pertinent to note therefore that this year
the Eastern States Committee, who superin-
tended the affairs of this gathering, has once
more set a blueprint to trek, if our Father
delays the emergence of His Son now and
beyond; and no doubt the kick-starting of the
programme is well commended as the event
was refreshing, reawakening, entertaining,
brotherly, peaceful and eventful!
To this end, the following brethren, but not
limited to were on hand for lectures, among
others; Peter Kalu, Emmanuel Eze on Family
Life and Fellowship which drew much ques-
tions and contributions. Furthermore, Youths
from different Ecclesias gave dramas and var-
ious interesting presentations. Also, at this
auspicious and august occasion baptisms were
recorded successfully.
Lessons from Joseph’s Life
he lesson of Joseph’s life
is unmistakable - God
works when His hand is not
apparent, and often when it
would seem as if He must
be taking no notice, and by
means that seem to exclude
the possibility of His being at
The conclusion is comforting
to those who commit their
way to God. It may seem to
them that God is not only
working with them, but ac-
tually working against them.
Let them remember the agony of Joseph in
the pit, in slavery, in false
imprisonment, and learn
that the darkest paths in
their life may be the ways
appointed for them to
reach liberty and life,
wealth and honour - yea, a
throne in the kingdom of
God. Jesus himself had to
tread the dark and tearful
valley of humiliation, and
who in the day of his glory,
will introduce all his
brethren, amongst many
bright stars, to the most in-
teresting of Jacob’s sons.
Bro Robert Roberts “The Ways of Providence”
Joseph sold in to slavery