Gospel News · January - April 2018

Teaching Bible Stories to Children
ro Duncan writes: How can we teach
young children the basic stories and
message of the Bible? For a few years
now I’ve read the Bible to my children
morning and evening, explaining things
as we go along and answering their
questions. Sometimes I’ve recorded
them and put them on YouTube. In the
evenings after we’ve read and prayed,
I leave them to go to sleep listening to
the old recordings.
I’ve arranged them as two playlists.
Just hit “Play All” and it keeps going... until
they fall asleep. I just thought others might
like to make use of it. Putting children to
sleep with Bible readings playing seems a
good way to get them familiar with the
basic stories and themes of the Bible.
The New Testament is at:
The Old Testament is at:
screens, this young man isn’t even interested
in Facebook, and has devoted himself to the
Lord. We spoke at length of how youth needs
radicalism, a challenge to touch the sky, and
how devotion to the Lord’s cause is the
intended channel for that. We reflected how
Amos records that God raised up young men as
prophets and Nazarites, and how many refer-
ences there are to young men devoted to the
Lord. So it was with joy that we baptized him
and afterwards strolled around the historic
city of Lvov talking of how to channel his
enthusiasm for the Lord.