Gospel News · January - April 2018

ot the great things which every eye
sees and every tongue praises does God
account most precious. The little duties
cheerfully done, the gifts which make
a show and which to humble eyes may
appear worthless, often stand highest in
God’s sight. A heart of faith and love is
dearer to God than the most costly gift.
The poor widow gave her living when she
gave the small sum, but she deprived her-
self of food in order to give those two mites
to the cause she loved. And she did it in
faith, believing that her heavenly Father
would not overlook her great need. It was
this unselfish spirit and child-like faith that
won the Saviour’s commendation.
Among the poor are many who long to show
their gratitude to God for His grace and
truth. Let them lay up their mites in the
bank of heaven. If given from a heart filled
with love for God, these seeming trifles be-
come consecrated gifts, priceless offerings,
which God smiles upon and blesses.
We know all the things that we shouldn’t do;
Temptations that must be withstood;
But after we’ve shunned all the evil things,
Do we overcome evil with good?
It isn’t enough to say, “Thou shalt not,”
And cease from contention and strife;
We must fill our lives
with some worthwhile work;
Or it’s only a negative life.
There’s plenty of work for us all to do,
If we would be pleasing to God,
And our years on earth will be busy years,
If we follow where Jesus trod.
Let us not sit back feeling smug and content
Because we have done no wrong,
But let’s make sure we have done some good
On the way – as we journey along.
The Acceptable Gift
| Bro Melusi Ndlovu (Gwevu, Zimbabwe)
The Positive Life
Think Right
| Bro G H Denny (United Kingdom)
ames observes that evil deeds result from
allowing the desires of the flesh to govern
instead of the commandments and precepts
divinely given.
The desires of the flesh have their beginning
in the mind, as influenced by the abilities of
the body. Thoughts, whether good or bad, are
therefore the first thing to be considered. It
has been truly observed, “As a man thinks, so
is he.”
Paul, therefore, in writing to the very faithful
brethren at Phillipi, indicates that the best way
to overcome the tendencies to evil that exist
within all of us is to think right. Speaking of the
“peace of God,” he tells us that it will keep
our hearts and minds. By “keep,” he means
“preserve” or make worthy of permanence,
i.e., of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
So he goes on to indicate how we think right.
He says it is the final thing, by which we can
see he means most important in our conduct.
Think on things that are true,
things that are honest,
things that are just,
things that are pure,
things that are lovely,
things that are of good report.
Phil. iv. 8.
Then the result will be virtue, and the life of
the believer true praise to God.
Let us then govern the body by thinking of
good things and leaving no room for evil ones.
Good reading and meditation thereon is one of
the best ways to develop right thinking. As we
think, so we act.