Gospel News · May - August 2017

Carelinks | Ukraine Bible School ... continued
reporting that fighting was ongoing in some
border areas and half their town was in ruins.
Also baptized were another Alexei, and Oleg.
The experience would be valuable to all
brethren but particularly to some a little (or
much) younger than me. It would be a
thrilling service for the Lord as the days and
the opportunities grow fewer before his
The community here is growing older; Brother
Jozef attended although blind, brother Viktor
can hardly walk and has to be almost dragged
along by his wife, pictured below. But he and
she are keen to come. The temperatures were
low, down to minus 16C, with icy pavements
and roads in this bank-
rupt country. The way
our old brothers and
sisters travel such
distances in such condi-
tions, when they are far
from steady on their
feet, is a great testa-
ment to how much
they really value these
gatherings. Bro David’s
talks went down well,
and you can see above
the blessing of Mana-
sseh and Ephraim being
acted out under his
Everyone returned home on overnight trains
and buses leaving on the Sunday evening. That
night was the worst night of casualties in the
war for many months, with Ukrainian media
reporting over 40 deaths and many injuries in
random shelling along the eastern ‘frontier’.
Six of our number passed through it that night
and we thank God they reached home safely.
Carelinks | UK Conference
ur Conference in the UK was a great
success. Both attendance and inspira-
tional, spiritual content of the talks was
unsurpassed. About 70 came along at various
times throughout the day. Clearly the Lord is
at work, thanks to your prayers and donations.
Not all the talks were recorded, but those that
were are at:
Some from our house
church in Croydon gave
powerful presentations;
sister Foozie spoke
of her conversion from
Islam and very elo-
quenty and passionately
expressed her simple
love of the Lord Jesus.
Also from Croydon, Sister Dee gave a very
powerful presentation, opening up about the
sexual abuse she had suffered earlier in life
and how it was baptism into Jesus and
grasping the real truths of the Gospel which
empowered her to forgive and reclaim her
Sister Yvonne, one of
our early converts in
Zimbabwe in the 1980s,
then spoke powerfully
of her conversion from
Catholicism to the truth
of Christ.
~ continued ...