Gospel News · January - April 2017

or over 15 years every week Bro Peter and
Sis Margaret Woodall, pictured above, have
hired a market stall offering free Christian
literature in the Dorchester Market.
Bro Peter and Sis Margaret said: “Apart from
the locals it is a regular stop for UK tourist
coaches and overseas visitors. Lots of litera-
ture is taken and particular interest is shown
in the children’s section. They enjoy the
sticker books and some letters of appreciation
from parents have been received. Once the
children get interested the parents show more
interest in the other literature. Seems a chil-
dren’s section could encourage more interest
in others literature displays.
Often those who browse and take literature
are reluctant to talk. A few just want to have
an argument and we don’t encourage them as
they can get very heated and put other people
Carelinks | “Go into all the world, proclaim the gospel...” Mark16:15
... continued
Bro Peter and Sis Margaret Woodall beside their stall in Dorchester Market
ro Paul Hoskins writes: “I have three tables
at the Totton Car Boot Sale, and one table
is for the gospel literature, with a little
standup notice to say that everything on that
table is FREE. There are some childrens
activity packs which Sis Joyce Cousins
prepares for me, Glad Tidings magazines,
“Introducing Bible Basics”, a Carelinks
Ministries Mug, a Bible, and a few other
items. The A-Board itself has rather a lot
of detail this time, covering a number of
weeks topics in our Bible Hour programme.
A few people stop to read the A-board and
ask questions about it but not many. The
A-board also goes outside the door of the
nearby Community Centre while we have our
Bro Paul’s car boot stall at Totton
A big thank you to all who
donate to enable us to print
this literature and get
the Word out there for free