Carelinks | Latvia
e continue to operate the daily feeding
and teaching scheme at the Riga Bible
Centre in Latvia. This project not only
provides for real material need for hungry
brothers, sisters and friends-
but is also openly proclaiming
and teaching God’s word in
the 1 hour study sessions held
before each meal. This great
work has developed a signifi-
cant number of baptized
converts in Riga; and it is most
definitely in need of support, both financially
and with volunteers going out to cook in the
Winter months.
Here’s a report from sister Sarah Hopper and
Kate Hargreaves: “This was our first time at
the Riga centre and the first time in Latvia.
Upon arrival we were surprised to see how
sombre Riga is at this
time of year. With grey
skies and a biting chill to
the air, one quickly
appreciates how difficult
it must be to be home-
less here. We just could
not get used to the
sombre feeling outside;
the dreary ex-soviet buildings surrounding the
centre in clear contrast to the events
happening inside. Looking in at this project
from the outside, it is easy to make the
assumption that people ‘come for the food’,
and this is probably true to a point. But,
having seen how riveted they are when Maxim
speaks, it is clear that they might come
because of the food, but they
return because of faith.
Maxim’s Q&A seems to be
rather popular and discussions
are very lively! We were aston-
ished that this happy atmos-
phere prevails, despite the
terrible circumstances that
have caused this centre to be here in the first
place. Serving the food we have prepared is
an incredible experience and we would
encourage anyone that has thought about
volunteering to do it. Despite language differ-
ences, banter is regular and some of the
attendees have even learnt a few words in
English, in order to display their gratitude.
These things from our
time here will stay with
1. The impromptu hair-
dressing session on
Sunday and Medina’s
face when Vladimir was
doing his best. Vladimir’s
eyesight has deteriorated, so with the best
will in the world, it’s not easy for him. We
soon rescued her and finished the job with
(we hope) a little more finesse. Since this she
Please do contact us
to help if you can,
and pray that we get
the support needed
to continue