Gospel News · May - August 2016

starting the school with a friend the caring
atmospheres has reduced the cases of those
having to go to hospital, the school is growing
but resources are also growing thinner. Our
main expenditure is Paldrine, Folic Acid and
providing balance meals and if anyone could
help with these daily needs it would be a
tremendous help.
MAKHONGE | Bro Daniel Wakhabin ... continued ~
Children at meal time
The photo shows Brethren and
Sisters at the baptism of Sister
Consolate, second from right. In
the background are their farm
fields which were deeply flooded
and the waters swept away this
season’s plantings and so they
are now facing a severe famine
and lack of income from their
crops. However, their preaching of the
Gospel has been very fruitful in Sister
Consolate’s baptism. Pictured left, Sister
Consolate receiving the right hand of
fellowship by Bro James Mijwanda.