Gospel News · May - August 2016

there in the cold’. Russians wouldn’t even
have used that for an anorak in Winter! Cindy
experienced temperatures down to -51 C that
Winter in Siberia, and Duncan bought her that
coat second hand from an old woman out in
Yakutsk. It remained as a kind of keepsake,
but a rather heavy and cumbersome one, and
Cindy never uses it. But it’s a testament to 15
years of dedicated service to the Lord by
Cindy in this hard land.
Temperatures here have been very low, with
significant winds and humidity, meaning that
the -20 C temperatures ‘feel like’ far lower
than that. With the night shelters open only
at 8 p.m. and throwing people out by 8 a.m.,
our brethren and sisters have to be out all day,
or take shelter in places like waiting rooms
which are open to the public. Most of our
number are middle aged or elderly, having
worked during the previous regime but now
given no or very little pension because of their
ethnicity. Or others simply who cannot afford
to rent or heat property, who are therefore
driven to the night shelter existence. This
really is a genuinely needy segment of society
which the Lord has led us to. Jim and Ann
Barton continue to assist greatly with the
work. But we are all worked off our feet. Our
folk arrive ever earlier in these temperatures
and take about half an hour to thaw out on
entry to the hall. Please remember that our
heating costs at the hall can come to nearly
1000 Euros / month in extreme
temperatures. The on costs are
high, but the work done is
absolutely necessary and relevant,
and the welfare aspect dovetails
seamlessly with the preaching of
the Gospel and further teaching of
the many who are baptized.
On New Year’s Eve, about 110-120
came, Cindy’s welfare packages
were wonderful, plus we gave them
a special seasonal meal... (pictured
below). Sincere thanks to all who
contributed to enable this. We read
Revelation 21 and 22 according to
the? Bible Companion? and reflected
for an hour on the awesome,
breathtaking reality that is ahead,
eternally, for we weak, cold, tired,
aging, handicapped, frail and weak mortals.
Please do take a view of the video and enter
into the spirit of these dear believers and the
work here (see page 18 for video link). And
really, do consider coming over and assisting
or otherwise supporting the work.
~ continued ...
Above right: Our elderly Sister tucked up in Cindy’s fur coat