Gospel News · May - August 2016

Let There Be Light
| Bro Emmanuel Maugente (Tete, Mozambique)
his is the Divine purpose
which will be fully accom-
plished when “there shall be
no night, and they shall need
no candle, neither light of the
sun”. In the meantime, for the
most part, darkness covers the
earth and gross darkness the
Had it not been for the
unremitting mercy of God, the
darkness would have been
complete, and the light would
have gone out for ever.
Although the merciful God had
to destroy the wicked dark
nation in Noah’s time, He set
up a light for the nations in
Abraham and in the unique nation of Israel.
We more than any, are the people of the land
and the book. We glory in the promises to the
fathers, and by baptism have become part of
the promised seed and long for the time when
all the families of the earth will see the light
and be blessed.
We must not wait with folded hands for what
the Lord will do in the Millennium. Our service
begins right now in willing minds, bent on
prayer, adding to our labours at home and in
the towns of our homelands and the needs of
the world beyond. God can still use weak
things to confound the mighty, that the glory
might be His.
It has been the dream of Bro Emmanuel
Maugente for many years to establish a
meeting in the heart of the City of Tete. With
the help of the CBM and so many others the
dream has materialised, as you see from the
above picture together with the ecclesia
Pictured above: Samuel Sabao, Hazvinei Tekchua,
Francisca Sozinho, Bro Emmanuel Maugente,
Sis Felisberta Jose and Sunday School.
Temper itself is not an evil power, a
demoniacal possession, in anyone.
Temper may make irreparable mis-
chief if allowed to run untamed, but
when brought under the sway of a
sanctified will it becomes an element
of great power. A strong temper held
in perfect leash gives majesty to the
life. And there is no temper which
cannot be brought under control
through God’s help.
Let none of us despair, therefore, if
we have a strong temper which oft-
times leads us to sinful outbursts. We
can tame our temper until the most
impatient of us shall become and
shall remain calm and quiet under
the sorest provocation.
Yet we shall never get past the need
of watchfulness, for a conquered lion
is a lion still if the old spirit is
Training the Temper
J. R. Miller, D.D.