Gospel News · January - April 2016

~ continued ...
Carelinks | Germany ~ Refugees / Migrants
guards checked. Our brothers and sisters
keep themselves to themselves, sleeping
together in a corner. Walking around the
school with them, we were the subject
of threats and abuse, including the cry
‘Kafr’- ‘apostate’. Our brothers told us
that the Muslims threaten them with
knives at night, and every night there are
fights between the Muslims- especially
between those pro-ISIS and those anti.
There are of course many warring
factions within Syria, Iraq and Afghani-
stan- and there are a few hundred of
these folks sleeping together on the floor of
this school, with our brethren as their one
common enemy. This kind of problem is appar-
ently quite common- a recent article in Chris-
tianity Today reports that this is a common
scene in the migrant camps, and that the
German Police have proposed separating the
Christian migrants from the Muslim migrants
for their safety. We walked into the play-
ground, where young men were playing foot-
ball, shouting ‘Kafr!’ [apostate] at us.
We’re sure that our dear ones will soon be
moved on by the Government as the whole
plan is to integrate them into society, but
please do pray for them.
... for all your prayers.
Shortly after this bulletin, by the grace
of God our dear brother, sister and
family were blessed with an apartment.
Carelinks | Migrant Crisis Outreach
here are thousands of migrants passing
through the Balkans each day at this time,
mostly refugees from? Syria? and? Afghanistan.
Like anyone who has experienced the Lord’s
grace, our local brothers and sisters wanted
to reach out to these people, but didn’t know
how. Neither did we. We prayed about it and
decided the best thing to do was to give the
refugees food and sanitary items with a sticker
on them with a simple statement of the
Gospel and our website. Many of the migrants
have mobile phones and here and there, there
is free wifi access- our hope was and is that
Thank you ...