Gospel News · September - December 2015

Bro George Constantine
... continued ~
Court should decide what should be done with
them, as the Mercy Committee rarely shows
mercy since very few persons are pardoned by
The Privy Council in London, our country’s
highest court, will now have to decide their
fate. I hope that all lifers can benefit. What
we really want is a fixed time to serve, so that
we all could know when the prison term will
As always, I will keep trusting in God and keep
working at trying to be better in His sight.
News from Zambia
CHINSALI | Bro Edward Choko
The most important thing for us is to look to
the Word of God for guidance because we do
not complain, or beg from anyone. In 1 John
2:15-17 we are told not to be friends of the
world and follow its lusts, or we will be ene-
mies of God and cannot please Him. The world
(people) passes away with its lusts. “But in all
things, approving ourselves as the ministers
of God in much patience, in afflictions, neces-
sities, in distress, giving no offence in
anything that the ministry be not blamed”
(2 Corinthians 6:3-4).
KABOMPO | Bro Reuben Musole Kaambeu
I am thanking our Heavenly Father that we
are the betrothed to the Lord Jesus Christ, we
are preparing ourselves in this life for the
great day of marriage at his return from
I realise that the Lord directed my feet to
leave urban life in Kabompo town to come and
dwell here at Malolwa on my farm. Further-
more, despite the harsh weather (not enough
rains in the country) our maize crop has done
well and there is hope that our household food
security is certain when we harvest the corn,
and children are all at school. This indeed has
been possible not because of ‘luck’ or my
effort but because of God’s providence for us.
KABWE | Bro Greenwell Kunda
This is to inform you that I received the Bibles
in Swahili language and shared with our
brethren and I also received the Gospel News.
Please continue sending me whatever you
LIVINGSTONE | Bro Caphes Sikanyika
I am strong and firm in our Lord and feel the
brotherhood love that binds us all in the Lord.
I highly appreciate your favour in sending us
Gospel News, updating us with what is hap-
pening in society and the e world at large,
which is a blessing, so that we may walk in the
right direction and prepare ourselves more for
Christ’s return.
God, in earlier times, provided Israel with
kings who were to deliver a good service to the
nation but they failed to give the people clear
direction and purpose. Many became too con-
cerned about their own position which is what
is happening in many countries today. Leaders
Bro Caphes Sikanyika