Gospel News · May - August 2015

Believe in God
Even When He Is Silent
| Bro Edwin Mule (Chainmail, Zambia)
roubles come upon all of us. Sometimes it
seems as if they will overwhelm us.
Everyone sooner or later has such moments
of crisis among the thousands of natural
shocks that the flesh is heir to. They can even
be so bad that we just want to escape from
the threat of being overwhelmed. David
expresses this emotion in Psalm 55:45. The
desire is to just get away from it all. People
can feel like Job who could not escape from
the troubles that had come upon him. He
opens the cycle of speeches with a cry of
anguish (3:3-4).
We pray about our problems seeking God’s
guidance (1 Peter 3:12; Psalm 34:7). Many
have lost their faith, asking ‘How could there
be a God who would allow anyone to suffer
like this?’ But we as Christians day and night
gather our strength to follow the steps of our
Saviour Jesus Christ who faced the crucial
death on the cross. As the Almighty God had
said, “Surely you shall die” (Genesis 2:7).
Every human being born of woman shall die
(Genesis 3:19).
Death is faced for what it is. Job calls it the
king of terrors (18:14). Paul speaks of death
as the last and great enemy (1 Corinthians
15:26). Humanity lives all their lives in fear
of it (Hebrews 2:17). The fear of death grips
our society more than we like to admit. But
for those in Christ, at the harvest at his
return and judgement, all those who have
laboured in the gospel will rejoice together
(Matthew 13:39; John 4:35-36).
Bro Edwin Mule with his son Boyd Mule kneeling
The Joy of Remembering ~ Psalm 104:1-14
| Bro Isaac Kapa (Tongaren, Kenya)
y father, Francis Kapa, is 90 years old. At
times, when he was sick, he usually
described it as a time to remember the days
of his life when he was still young. He called
it the “Grace of Remembering”. It is so easy
to forget all the way that the Lord has led us.
“Forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:2).
This is typified by my father whom I have
known and admired for 65 years. Rather than
reviewing disappointments, his talk is filled
with thankfulness and praise to God.
First, he recalled with thankfulness God’s
thankful mercies: his good health, the enjoy-
ment of his family (for he had 27 children),
the joy and success of his work, his enriching
friendships and the opportunity to serve
God. He considers them all gifts - none
deserved, but all gratefully received.
He is a model we should follow as his
children on a regular basis: the joy of
remembering. “Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me, bless His holy
name, for he knoweth best!” His will for me
is better than my plans. Do not all good gifts
come from the Father’s hand? Give loving
thanks for the Lord’s lavish gifts.