Gospel News · January - April 2015
I am very happy with C.B.M. U.K. and C.B.M.
Zimbabwe and all Tongogara Ecclesia
members for being united together for
building the Tongogara Ecclesial Hall. From
this union result for the Tongogara Ecclesia
building that had been needed for a long time
although the ecclesia has been known here
and in the camp and other places.
I support and am thankful to all
Christadelphian brothers and sisters who put
their money, strength and many sacrifices for
the building of the hall. Dear brothers and
sisters, don’t give up on all our problems and
needs, let us give them to our God. He will
always help us and provide. All the builders
joined our knowledge together to finish the
TONGOGARA | Bro Nondo Mutambala
Building the ecclesial hall
Bro Nondo Mutambala