BUNGOMA | Bro Edward Kunikina
I thank you very much for the Gospel News
you send me, which I get in good time, and I
pray that God will bless those for the work
they are doing in these last days. Many things
are being done in our country which are not
usual for people of good health and mind to
do. The Word of God is good and I pray that
we continue encouraging each other so that
when our Lord Jesus comes we may have a
chance of entering the Kingdom of God.
News from KENYA
BUTALI | Bro Gibson Amesa Azere
I would like to inform you that I have moved
from Kambi-Mwanja to Butali where we have
established an ecclesia. We are 25 in number
with about 18 Sunday School children. About
seven of our members have no Bibles and I
ask if you could send me some, if available,
and especially NIV or New King James Version
or any which are available.
I am interested in evangelism in this area and
am requesting if you could consider providing
me with a means of transport. I have saved
some money and would like someone to help
me by topping up what I have. It is better to
have a new motorbike as cheap is expensive
long term.
Bro Jacob and Sis Fedeliah Walioula
We are grateful for the letter you sent us,
which was full of love, comfort and encour-
agement and we have also received the Holy
Bibles, etc. We thank you for the sickle cell
anaemia treatment notes that we requested.
They are indeed helpful to our children, not
forgetting the help you offered through Bro
Philip Lawrence, the welfare brother in
Kenya. I received good news from the Welfare
and Secretary Brothers in Western Kenya that
they will present health notebooks and the
names of children with the problem of sickle
cell. As an ecclesia and a family (Makhonge)
we have been spiritually built up, therefore
everything you are doing for us, just the
same as Jesus did, signifies God’s love by
washing the disciples’ feet and wiping them
with a towel he was girded with. He is a
servant for all and we as brothers and sisters
have to do the same; although it is hard,
Christ challenges us. We pray to God that
through our Lord Jesus we may love one
another as it is our Lord’s command.
Recently I took my son Bob to hospital and he
was also found to have sickle cell positive,
therefore in my family and at the moment
three children have the same case. In Kenya
at the moment some doctors are resigning,
while others are going to private hospitals,
striking or leaving Kenya because of low pay
or delay in salary. All these things can happen
and the only hope is in the Gospel. Our
Master, Jesus, will soon come so let us preach
the true Gospel to encourage brothers and
sisters to grow spiritually to attain the
coming Kingdom.
Bro Jacob and Sis Fedeliah Walioula and the family –
Job in red, Wendy in the middle and Nelly – despite
being victims of sickle cell anaemia
this is a happy picture for Gospel News