Gospel News · January - April 2015

Those Editorials
| Bro Ileanaccho Ilejinka (Owerrinta, Nigeria)
things that Carelinks does in the spreading of
the gospel. It is my world geography and
atlas. I learn of places that I have never
heard of before, even in my life in Africa. I
see houses and other projects set up to
sustain life. Horrors which brethren in Christ
undergo are not left out. They expose the
heartlessness of the rulers of this wicked
world. Sister Aleksandra, July-September
2006, page 41, and the chilling story of the
brutal murder of Bro Glen Isaac, page 72 of
July-August 2000, and March-April 2002.
The efforts of Carelinks has been unquantifi-
able, only the Almighty God can recompense
adequately. May the living God strengthen
those who produce Gospel News. Brethren
and Sisters worldwide who are privileged to
receive the magazines should pray earnestly
on behalf of these who, I know, undergo
great difficulties physically and mentally in
the performance of their duties. May the
peace of God that passes understanding be
with you.
s is usual with human memory, we read
and forget. Re-reading articles we read
previously makes the ideas we imbibed some
time ago fresh in our minds. It would be a
worthwhile habit if we from time to time fall
back on old copies of ‘The Gospel News’. We
can sample again the great exhortations that
those copies convey. As Christadelphians we
choose to read the Bible daily to keep in
touch spiritually with our Maker and Saviour.
Most of the chapters we read, on reflection,
have relevance to our current and past life
experiences. As we read and re-read them,
spiritual consolations emerge in our minds
and we are better for it.
The editorial of July-September 2009 has
much to give us in respect of sins we commit
or of omission, that is failing to act when we
should act. April-June 2006 has spiritual
growth as its caption. As one goes through it,
‘self’ was decried but selflessness is upheld,
and this should be the badge of brethren and
sisters in Christ. Jesus Christ displayed the
greatest selfless trait – to die for the sake of
the world (sinners). Reading
through this would remind and
ignite our minds to what we
should aspire to in lending
helping hands to the brother-
hood and to others when the
need arises.
Sister Ludmilla’s great effort of
reaching the areas of Kazakhstan
to take the word light to the
people, and to teach about
Christ Jesus who is light and
everlasting life for brothers and
sisters to emulate. Do we get
any encouragement from her
work and that of others? I do.
Please read through the May-
June 2002,issue page 10.
The Gospel News magazine, in
addition to spiritual uplift,
serves as my TV since its pictures
bring home to me the great
Solutions to Crossword on page 8