Gospel News · September - December 2014

| Bro Joseph Kwesi (Ghana)
he journey to the kingdom of the holy God
requires holiness in us: “Try to be at
peace with everybody, and try to live a holy
life, because without it no-one will see
God”. Something is said to be holy when it is
set apart for God’s use and kept from profane
use. In calling us to holiness, scripture has
enumerated various areas of our lives to be
separated from and dedicated to God.
1) Our body:
“By grace, God has chosen to dwell in us”
(Romans 12:1). He has made our bodies
temples for His abode. As He is holy, so He
demands that His temple should be careful
about how we use every part of it.
2) Our lifestyles:
God is calling Christians to live differently
from people in the world who do not glorify
Him (Roman 12:2). By adopting the right
attitude towards Christ, we must have a new
relationship to anyone in the world. We must
press on so that our lifestyle, our actions, our
day-to-day conduct conform with scripture,
which will prove the good, acceptable, and
perfect will of God. We are to be an example
to all around us.
3) Our gift:
“For God so loved the world, that He gave
His only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in Him, should not perish, but have
everlasting life.” (John 3:16).
4) Our worship:
Services which we offer in the worship of the
Lord must be done in the fear and reverence
of God (1Chronicles 16:29). Our worship must
be done in holiness unto the Lord, and God
will also accept and bless us accordingly, for
we must give God reverence in our worship.
Let us all try our very best to serve the Lord
God with all holiness. May our Heavenly
Father bless us all, and send the coming
kingdom that our Lord and Master Jesus
Christ will set up on the earth.
The Eternal Reign of Peace
| Bro Henderson Sosola (Mtenthela, Malawi)
he blessed climax of living for Christ,
the Prince of Peace, will be finally real-
ized when “the kingdoms of this world are
become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his
Christ, and he shall reign for ever and
ever” (Rev 11:15). Then Isaiah’s prophecy
will reach the zenith of its long-awaited
fulfillment, “of the increase of his govern-
ment and peace there shall be no end, upon
the throne of David to order it and to
establish it with judgement and with
justice from henceforth even for ever”
(Isaiah 9:7).
What a wonderful time it will be when all
the children of peace will blend together in
praise to God and the Lamb in one glad
fellowship of love. The trials of this life will
seem small in comparison to that glorious
heavenly atmosphere (Romans 8:18). Then
we shall exchange our cross for a crown.
What a blessed swap!
In glory our labours of love will be amply
rewarded. Non-resistance will not be
needed because there will be no sin to
resist (Mat 13:41-43; Rev 21:27). We shall
be free from the very presence of sin. Dear
brothers and sisters, are you prepared for
that time? Have you walked so closely to
the Prince of Peace that you will hear his
welcome words: “Well done, thou good and
faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of
thy Lord” (Matthew 25:21). “Wherefore,
beloved, seeing that you look for such
things, be diligent that you may be found
of him in peace, without spot, and blame-
less” (2 Peter 3:14).