Gospel News · September - December 2014

SINDO | Bro John Onani
Why do not more people accept it if it is a
good religion? Remember that Jesus Christ
himself only had a small number of disciples.
What he preached was too hard for most
people to accept, many people hated him and
the crowd of people shouted “Crucify him”.
He himself said that only a few people would
be his real followers, Matthew 7:13-23.
History reveals God saves by few and through
those whom he has called, both men and
women of faith.
We have seen how the ten tribes’ leaders
were punished, their minds were evil, corrupt
and deceitful. The two tribes led by Joshua
followed the God of Israel with their whole
heart. We have learnt through the flood how
Noah, son of Lamech, survived because he did
God’s Will and God saved them from destruc-
tion. Genesis 6,7,8,9.
Today we witness in this so called Christian
era, how Christendom has gone astray for
preaching the Gospel message of the serpent.
The Bible reveals how the human heart and
mind is deceitful in Jeremiah 17:9.
We are promised eternal life in Titus 1:2 and
Numbers 23:19 by God, who cannot lie and
we must endure until the end, only death can
stop us, but in obeying the Truth God has
assured us of resurrection by raising Jesus of
Nazareth with great power and glory. We
must pass under three T’s tempted, tried
and tested and finally receive the reward of
eternal life promised in Hebrews 2:14-16,
Hebrews 4:15,16, Philippines 2:5-11. We must
never give up and our efforts will be
rewarded. 1 Corinthians 15:58.
I received the book entitled “The Real Christ”
by Bro Duncan Heaster and other Bible litera-
ture for spiritual growth. I must accept that
you have loved me with all your heart. You
have tried to maintain your brotherly love to
me and shown it in action by doing your best
to save me.
Bro John Onani and his son Protus Omondi
TARBO | Bro Nzai instructing Sunday School Teachers