Gospel News · January - April 2014

The Gospel News
sending out Bibles and literature to the many people like Fyodyor who are genuinely searching. Thanks to the Lord?s blessing of your and our combined efforts, so many are coming to the real Christ, now in the world?s remotest areas. The Gospel of the Kingdom must go into all the world, and then the end shall come.
Belarus remains the last old school Communist dictatorship in Europe and one of the few left in the world. There are ample reports of Protestant groups being persecuted, pastors arrested and imprisoned, people fined for teaching the Bible to their children; and there is still a system of hard labour camps operating. Independent meetings are not allowed and the population are continually controlled via a system of informants operating on all levels of society. You can read such reports about Belarus at ?The Voice of the Martyrs : Belarus?. Our work in Belarus is therefore limited, although we continue distributing Bibles and trying to care for individuals whom we have baptized there over the years.
It is about 15 years ago that we baptized Brother Sasha and soon afterwards his wife Natasha. They have been very faithful over the years. They live near the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site, and radiation levels are still very high there. Sasha was a member of the Chernobyl clean-up team and is now an invalid and losing his sight
Jan-April 2014
amongst other problems. Realizing the limitations upon preaching where they are, Sasha and Natasha are devoted to raising a family who will be eternal voices in God?s Kingdom. They have seven sons, most of whom have serious problems as a result of Sasha?s illness and their exposure to radiation; some deaf, others severely challenged. But they are capable of learning the Truth of Christ and this is why our brother and sister have continued having children. It?s an amazing experience to be together with such a physically suffering family in small town Belarus and see their love for God?s word and His Son. It truly was a pleasure to be with them and to baptize their eldest son VOLODYA in a local lake- and then to sit together and break bread.
We have many contacts in Belarus, many of whom fear to be baptized because of the situation there. Please pray for their faith and commitment to grow yet stronger. Please pray for our brother in his very difficult situation.
We periodically report on the intense spread of the true Gospel amongst the Iranian community in Western Europe; we?re pleased to report that this is continuing. This week we made a visit to Belgium during which three men were baptized, all in different locations.
SOREN has been intensely searching the Bible and reading Bible Basics for some time, and has been in contact with several