Gospel News · January - April 2014

The Gospel News
baptisms had to be done well before then ! We take our cap off to Amos for a fantastic logistical achievement in gathering together people from throughout the region to our Bible conference held in a hotel on the banks of the Nile. Amos and Duncan gave talks hammering through the basic doctrines and practices of the one faith, ably translated to Arabic so all understood.
Again, the enthusiasm for God?s word was apparent, as was the lack of Bibles - although we managed to bring at least some Bibles and Bible Basics with us.
One highlight was the baptism of MARTIN. He has internet on his phone and has had a lot of contact with brother Amos. The presence of mobile coverage is wonderful because it enables people to have some access to the internet if they have mobile phones, and this is a great teaching opportunity. Martin lives in Renk, accessible only by river during the rainy season, and a long, difficult journey by road and track during the dry season. It usually takes two days for the barge to travel from Renk to Malakal. Due to engine problems, it took our brother three days - and he arrived just as our seminar was ending. The barges on which travel is done are open to the sky- there is no cover. You must take your own food, cooking facilities, clean water, cover against the rain in rainy season and mosquito net. And Martin travelled three days like that to be with us. Flying around South Sudan, the aircraft often follow the rivers, so it?s easy to photograph these boats moored in the villages and small towns that are along the Nile:
Jan-April 2014
One amazing thing about South Sudan is that there is mobile coverage almost everywhere, which means that for those with reasonable cell phones, there?s access to the internet - even in places like this which can only be reached by boat or chartered helicopter. If you?d like to text Brother Martin some encouragement, or even call him, we?d be happy to let you know his cell phone number so you can help him feel part of our worldwide family in Christ.
Martin was baptized, and naturally wishes us to go to Renk [a peaceful, safe place] and spread Bibles and teach the Gospel. He and Bro Amos are real solid reliable brothers and persons. Now here again is an amazing opportunity to take the true Gospel "to the regions beyond", really pushing back the frontiers of true Christianity into hitherto closed areas of jungle and riverland. Two brothers from New Zealand are willing to make a trip - but the potential is huge. Get in touch if you?d like to come along. And of course... work in this area is hugely expensive. We really are open to donations... sorry to keep mentioning that but it is really so. And please pray for the work, for the safety of those who go, and for God?s glory to be achieved through lives being totally given to the Lord Jesus in spirit and in truth.
Please pray for the wonderful opening we?ve been given here... for a mighty and effective door has been opened, as Paul said, but there are many adversaries.