Gospel News · September - December 2013

Gospel News — Sep-Dec 2013
only education worth having is in God's Law and the only worthwhile wisdom is Godly wisdom.
--Sis. Tumaini Komanga
Sis Tumani Konanga
Thank you for sending 8 Bible Basics in French, which were gladly shared by the members of the ecclesia and friends interested in the Truth.
--Bro. Isidore Mwibeleca
Brethren and sisters thank CAT for sending them Swahili Bible Basics. May God bless CAT; your work is not only appreciated by them but by all brothers and sisters in different countries.
I thank God more that I am still alive in spite of living in adverse circumstances of this world. Last month unknown people attempted to arrest
me during the night, but fortunately I managed to run away. That same night two people were murdered and their family taken by police.
Thank you very much for helping us with English Bibles, but unfortunately they were less than we need. We would ask you to send us some Bible Basics in Swahili, at least 16 or 20, because many brethren and sisters speak Swahili. James 2:14-18.
--Bro. Iyendja Amsini
Bro. Iyendja Amsini
We would like to inform you that the books you sent were not available due to new and high postage rates for receiving parcels. Could you please arrange for us to receive a sound parcel when a missionary visits our country again