Gospel News · September - December 2012

Gospel News — Sep-Dec 2012
with all thy mind.38 This is the first and great commandment.39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets". Let us begin by getting together, beseeching our Heavenly Father to come into our midst, and begin planning how we will approach this matter.
It will greatly help if those who are in charge of
our publication to the brethren worldwide would
include these appeals, giving as many as possible,
the privilege and opportunity to get involved in
this rewarding project
--Sis Esther Worrell (Canada)

Owing to the considerable increase in the number of refugees, inflation and lack of resourses, it is not always possible for the relief organizations to provide what is regarded as the minimum basic food rations. The two large meetings in the Nyangusu Refugee Camp (Tanzania) temporarily had their basic allowances cut. Thanks to the help of those donating to CAT Funds it was possible to help remedy this situation, as you will see on the the back cover photo.


Jamaican Missionary Endeavours
Bro Martin Shirley (Jamaica)
On Tuesday 4th, September 2012, Sis Elesa Fisher, Bro Harold Campbell and myself journeyed to Port Antonio to fellowship with Sis Enid Hall. Port Antonio is the first tourist town in Jamaica, it is East of the Island. It has lush greenery and is densely populated. Sis Enid Hall lives directly in the town.
We discussed the daily Bible readings, did hymns, breaking of bread and prayer. Below are pictures of the Bible discussion and breaking of bread taking place.
Wednesday 5th, September Sis Janetta Elliott (she's a shut in sister) received the emblems when we fellowshipped together. She lives in Round Hill, which is a major farming community in St.