Gospel News · September - December 2012

Gospel News — Sep-Dec 2012
the Red Sea being a type of baptism, and then we all gave some words of encouragement to these two obviously very sincere and earnest ladies. Affectionate Greeting to you all. Sis. Suzie Lange
Eastern European Summer Bible School
With an attendance of 85 Russian speaking contacts, brethren and sisters from Belarus, England, Israel, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine- and the USA- the Summer Russian-speaking Bible School for the brethren and sisters of the former USSR was a great success. There was not only great fellowship between all present, but a total of 11 baptisms also: GALINA, (wife of brother Vova, from Israel), SASHA and DANIK, grandsons of sister Luba from Moldova; TATYANA, LUDMILA, VALENTIN and OKSANA [wife of brother Igor Bakai] from the Ukraine; NIKOLAY and TATYANA from Russia [sister to sister Valya from Latvia]; and LUDMILA and OLGA from Kazakhstan.
Newly baptized brethren and sisters from throughout the former USSR.
After nearly 25 years of preaching work in the former USSR, we can say that the community the Lord founded has come of age; Danik and Sasha,grandsons of sister Luba from Moldova, are now the 4th generation of the Meshkov family to have been baptized. Sister Luba's faithful parents were baptized in the early 1990s, then Luba, then her sons, and now her grandsons.
Sister Luba commenting on the daily readings with her grandsons listening.