Gospel News · June - August 2012

Gospel News — Jun-Aug 2012
As His son I am allotted my portion every day; food, shelter and clothing is going to be provided, therefore I should not be worried about what I am going to eat or wear for the Lord knows clearly what I need.
I encourage my brothers and sisters never to be worried or troubled whenever they pass through or face trials of all kinds as they are there only to strengthen, and it is only in them that they get to know God and to understand that God is always faithful and will never forsake or leave us.
I congratulate all who have kept their faith during these troubled times, which have been difficult and really stressful, i.e. financial strains, inflation, wars, political instability and unemployment. I truly love God for all His faithfulness. Be blessed and continue being a blessing.
--Bro. Jared Kidiga
All the books and informative letters you have sent are of great help to us as some of our friends borrow them and come up with questions concerning their different beliefs, for example, the worship of the image of Christ and the Cross. In most churches here in Naitiri they believe that when someone dies, he/she has already gone to heaven and it has been a great task to teach them the truth. We have managed to convince some of them, who have agreed with us on such like topics but others are now against us because of some little disagreement over the Bible. They say that once you are baptised, directly and automatically you receive eternal life, then even if you die you will just continue living in spirit form. Some friends have agreed with us, and from proofs from the Bible are interested to get more information concerning the Kingdom of God.
As you know, I started learning much more about the true gospel recently, from about 2009. I have not gained all the knowledge required to defend the Holy Scriptures in terms of differences on some Bible basics. I hereby come into arguments after discussions and find myself weak in heart for lacking the ability to remember verses quickly.
--Bro. Nasong'o Haron
I am writing this with a lot of joy because I was baptised five months ago with the help of Brother Haron. He was teaching me, using the books you have been sending to him, "Bible Basics" and "The Real Christ". These books helped me a lot and I am still using them. I will be reading them again and studying them slowly because God is the perfect Father, (Matt.5:48).
I would like to inform you that one day we were at a school discussion group during break time. There were six of us in a religious education discussion and a friend, Dennis, raised a point about the trinity and I could see that most of the group believe that God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one being. Could you please send me some notes about the trinity so that I can read and understand more and be able to go and teach them the truth without any doubt.
--Bro. Revin Simiyu
Bro. Revin Simiyu