Gospel News · March - May 2012

Gospel News — Mar-May 2012
sufferings, so also through Christ we share in God's great help. If we suffer, it is for your help and salvation; if we are helped, then you too are helped and given the strength to endure with patience the same sufferings that we also endure. So our hope in you is never shaken; we know that just as you share in our sufferings, you also share in the help we received.'
God's complete knowledge and Care (Psalm 139:1-6):
`Lord, you have examined me and you know me. You know everything I do; from far away you understand all my thoughts. You see me, whether I am working or resting; you know all my actions. Even before I speak, you already know what I will say. You are all round me on every side; you protect me with your power. Your knowledge of me is too deep; it is beyond my understanding.'
This is also applying to us to learn of God's love for us. God knows what we need even before we pray for it. He protects us from evil and cares for us. Let us praise God each day and give thanks for the food, care and protection He gives us. Psalm 140 also helps us understand God's care for us.
--Bro. Israel Mutunduwe
Christ is the door to the fold of God. Through this door all His children, from the earliest times, have found entrance. In Jesus, as shown in types, as shadowed in symbols, as manifested in the revelation of the prophets, the sons of men have beheld the Lamb of God, `which taketh away the sin of the world,' and through Him they are brought within the fold of His grace. Many have come presenting other objects for the faith of the word – ceremonies and systems have been devised by which men hope to receive justification and peace with God, and thus find entrance to His fold. But the only door is Christ, and all who have tried to enter the fold in some other way are thieves and robbers. `He that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.' Christ is both the door
and the shepherd. It is through His own sacrifice that He becomes the shepherd of the sheep.
--Bro. Melusi Ndlovu
We thank CAT very much for the books you have sent to our Ecclesia. I had asked for 8 New Testaments as a figure which had been registered, but on their delivery every brother and sister is now complaining they want one, so is it possible for us to have more? Also if possible could we have more copies of Wrested Scriptures to help with our preaching work.
In recent debates we have had with members of other churches, including A.F.M. members and Jehovah's Witnesses, we responded to the question as `Did Jesus exist before he was born?' Gen.1:26 was quoted in response showing that God and his Angels, using God's Spirit, created all things and that Jesus was not in existence before his birth. There followed questions on John 8:56-59 and John 1:1-3 and we explained about God's plan for mankind being in His mind right from creation, (`the Word was with God') preparing the way for our Saviour, Jesus, to be born of our nature. He was glorified by God, His father, and given power to do miracles openly. As he lived a sinless life, the grave could not hold him and God raised him from death, so making Jesus a sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. So our teaching, using Wrested Scripture and our New Version New Testaments, helped them to understand properly why we are baptised into Christ and into Abraham's `house.'
--Bro. Misheck Hondoma
I am now back in fellowship full-time and even as I am writing now, I am enjoying the company of and fellowship with Sis Ruth Moore and Bro David Smith who is our new Zimbabwe linkman.
Would you please be kind enough to put me again on the `Gospel News' mailing list? I always enjoy reading what's happening around the world.
--Bro Thompson Changata