Gospel News · March - May 2012

Gospel News — Mar-May 2012
You are always most welcome to visit us here. I keep discussing with my daughter about baptism, she wants to be baptized, but I worry she is too young and not serious enough. Please pray for us.
--Sis. Marina
I am praising God that I want to learn more of His word, and may God bless you so that you continue teaching us the good news through the `Gospel News' magazine. I have learnt a lot of things in this.
I am now confident that God is one, hence there is only one God. (Deut.6:4) The belief in demons is challenged by the Scriptures; see Deut. 32:17; Psa.106:37-38; 1 Cor. 8:4-6; 1 Cor. 10:20-28; Rev.9:20. The Bible says, `the truth shall set you free.' I am now a free woman – I have no fear of the unknown. I used to believe in the demonic forces which are just the works of men, and I don't regret leaving my former congregation, the Dutch Reformed Church, where my zeal for what I believed was so big. My thanks goes to Bro Steven Mwale who introduced me and my husband, Duncan Mbewe to the Truth. We are now a blessed couple: We were baptised in Nov.2006 and we assist each other in truth in the walk to the Kingdom of God (Amos 3:3). Brothers and Sisters, let's encourage each other in the walk to the Kingdom, which can be hard. May the Lord come and find us without spot. Praise be to the Lord.
--Sis. Esther Mbewe
Being a Friend of God is better than Being a Friend of Any Human
God never disappoints his loyal friends (Psalm 18:25). Being a friend of God is better than having riches. When a rich person dies, his money goes to others. However, those who enjoy friendship with God have a treasure that no-one can take away. (Matt.6:19-20).
--Bro. Lotson Kayuni
Greetings in the Hope of Israel in which we share. I am writing this note to acknowledge receipt of the Bible you sent me recently. Thank you very much for this.
--Bro. Kelly Simayunbula
Before you sent us the New Testaments, only very few brothers and sisters had the complete Bibles which were presented to us by the Horley Christadelphian Ecclesia. These, however, have seen seasons come and go. Some pages are no longer in their proper places. Ten of the brothers and sisters who were not on the ecclesial register at the time when the presentations were made, did not have the Bibles.
The Kitwe Ecclesia register at one time had reached a good number of 38 brothers and sisters, not including the Sunday School. The meetings were very interesting then. But somewhere along the line of years it was decided to form satellite meeting places at Kitwe Main, Garnaton, Misaka and Lwanga. These were all under one Kitwe Ecclesial Committee and this is where we went wrong, because the Committee failed to manage and co- ordinate these satellites. At one time the Garnaton group thought they were mature enough to stand on their own as an ecclesia, but CBM Zambia was apparently reluctant to grant this request. A very influential brother from Garnaton did choose to undertake outreaches into the Northern province where he originates, neglecting the local group and consequently the attendance dropped.
The stories for the other groups, i.e. Kitwe Main, Lwanga and Misaka are that the attendances dwindled, meetings became no longer interesting. We have now sought to come back as one great team, as one only Kitwe Ecclesia. The register is not constant though, the average of thirty is attained at times. Paul's letter to the Ephesians (ch.4:29-32) is currently our motivation: `Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but as the need arises, speak what is good for