Gospel News · March - May 2012

Gospel News — Mar-May 2012
and aroused such interest from listeners that they were invited to be on air for another month. This wonderful 2-month exposure has given the Christadelphians a welcome credibility in Soweto and many students are attending our Saturday seminars as a result.
During the month of July it was a pleasure to have 4 excellent seminars by our local Gauteng brethren: Stewart Gomeza, Obed Mafifi, Daniel Makhado and Emmanuel Mphambo. Coming from the same background as many attending, these brethren are particularly well equipped at handling and understanding many of the issues raised.
The ecclesia has been in existence for nearly two years, when we started with 10 members. Our membership is at present 15 – we have just had the baptism of William Kameza (a Malawian living in SA), and with the transfer of Sis Paddy Campbell we now have an experienced Sunday School teacher who has energetically `set to' with that valuable work. In all, it is a fascinating experience to work in this different environment where strongly entrenched views on ancestor
Bro Daniel Makado presenting a seminar
worship, demon-possession and the Pentecostal prosperity theology hold sway.
There is considerable interest in the Bible as has been evidenced in the good attendances at our seminars – after our last Learn to Read the Bible seminar, which was held during September and October last year, 10 students received certificates for full attendance, as well as a New European Version of the New Testament, thanks to the generosity of the Christadelphian Advancement Trust. After one Saturday seminar, we invited students to witness Bro. William Kameza's baptism. It was a great opportunity to encourage students to make baptism the goal of their studies.
Some attend seminars just to increase their Bible knowledge and some want to become pastors (considered a quick route to riches), but there are the discerning who are willing to search the Scriptures, and these are a joy to nurture and assist in becoming true disciples of the Lord, who in turn, will take the gospel to many others. At the moment there are four from the last seminar who now attend all our meetings. What a privilege we all have, just before our Lord returns.