Gospel News · March - May 2012

Gospel News — Mar-May 2012
a responsibility then to pass what we see to you. This way you can then help where you feel is necessary.
My first meeting at the Riga Bible Centre was very humbling. As we see it, made up of people that suffer physically, mentally, and/ or financially, though joyfully there for spiritual food that is able to ease the struggling soul. Providing lunch after the meeting is such a wonderful idea. The warmth of the atmosphere, the warmth of each other's company and the spiritual reminder that our Heavenly Father has something much better to come that will ease this suffering, was so very touching.
What made my heart cry was Sister Nina, whom we drove several hours to visit. I slept maybe three hours last night. Thank goodness Janine and Jane were on line, as I could talk to them about this pain that we had witnessed. My mind was in a whirl trying to plan out what to do for this very distressed 80-year-old sister who lives in isolation. When we say isolation I mean ISOLATION. It must be so hard in the severe winter to access anywhere for supplies.
She lives in a shack, a well for water; subsistence farming is her livelihood. So what was in her larder for winter? A meager crop of potatoes (which will not last the winter), some home-made jam and pickled cucumber. She has not been able to plant as much as she used to as her age and ailments are preventing her from working. No wonder she does not feel well as the diet is not adequate for good health. She mentioned numerous times that she is dying, and needed reassurance that Duncan would bury her. She wanted to make sure she would not be left to rot with none to care about her burial. She was so emotional to see us, especially Duncan, as he is the only one that shows her that she is a worthy being and cares. She does know that her Heavenly Father has sent
him to her, and is thankful for that. Her emotions were so overwhelming as she was very grateful for our visit, crying, hugging, praising God for this blessing, and these emotions continued throughout our whole visit. And guess what she had prepared for us- a banquet to eat; eggs, pickles, potatoes, sausage and biscuits. However did she do that? We all are so blessed at home, and I am so thankful for my life. What we need to remember is that, if we have the means, there are people that need our help. Even so, Come Lord Jesus".
Marcus, Jeannie & Warren & Jonathon on Winter welfare visit; Warren
giving firewood; Nina with her woodburner in her main room, feeding
in the firewood; wrapping Nina in a blanket knitted by Sisters in Bodalla
ecclesia, NSW; Jeannie achieving amazing rapport with our sister
despite the language barrier [Nina has just put on a fur coat which
Jeannie gave her]; Marcus saying goodbye to Nina