The Good Soldier

When army captains used to die in battle, the troops that he led would all run away. When Goliath, the champion of the Philistine army, was killed by David (1 Sam 17:26,40-50) the army fled. The Captain of our salvation is immortal, so there is no need for any of us to flee.

The followers of Christ are engaged in a fierce battle to conquer the evil principles of the world and their own nature which has a desperately wicked heart full of the deceitfulness of sin. They are like knights, fully clothed with the spiritual armour, going forward to conquer the enemy, and they have to constantly look to their Captain leading the way. They have to keep looking at the example of their Captain, of how he fought to overcome the world and this body of sin. It is not only themselves they have to think about, but stimulate and encourage their fellow-soldiers so that the whole army may be effective and go forth as a unit. Should any faint, fall by the wayside or get injured in any way, they need to help them as every member is vital to conquering the enemy and none should fall to them.

They must never give up, but press on to victory. The battle to be fought is tough and at times defeat may seem possible, but they must stand firm and be very courageous as they press forward; they are not alone and their Captain has and will win every battle.

Every soldier of Christ is encouraged: “All you beloved knights of God, be strong, be manly in the fight, this dreadful storm will not be long, stand fast! Stand true to death, do not allow them to drive you back”. A true believer hopes and prays for the return of Christ to establish the Kingdom. That is the secret strength of a good soldier. They keep their eyes on Jesus as their leader and instructor (Heb2:2).

My prayer for all Christadelphians, is that they will continue to be faithful. To such a community of brethren of Christ, God has promised endless glories in His kingdom. We continue to love the truth unconditionally following Christ and observing his commands: breaking bread and taking wine, preaching and baptizing, continuing in prayer (Acts 2:42).

Bro Uka Egwu (Ohafia, Nigeria)

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