Jesus Died for Our Sins

“He who did not spare his own son, but he gave him for us” (Romans 8:32).

When Abraham was asked to offer up his only son Isaac as a burnt offering before the Lord God, he did not delay or hesitate to follow God’s directive. As he tied his son to the altar, he had already made the sacrifice in his heart. Seeing his faith, the Lord stopped him at the very moment when he had lifted the knife to slay and offer his son. It was not the blood of Isaac the Lord demanded, but the sacrifice made in Abraham’s heart and that was made in complete obedience to God’s demand. Isaac had been born, not through the natural power of the flesh, but through God’s promise and direct intervention.

Jesus came for the purpose of living for us and dying for us, when he was tied to the altar, which was the cross to which he was nailed, to be a sin offering before God. There was no substitute provided by God on this occasion. There was no animal nor any human being who could be sacrificed that would please God, or whose life blood could atone for our sins. So Jesus had to die for us. We are freed through the only acceptable representative sacrifice of Jesus. Because through Christ Jesus, the law of the spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2).

Bro Benjamin Mwatu (Suna Migori, Kenya)

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