news from new zealand

At the turn of the year Bro Viv Alexander wrote to all the local New Zealand newspapers pointing out the seriousness of the current world problems, causing many to fear and to be anxious about the future. He explained how that a former generation, without all the incredible advances and comforts of our technological age, seemed to be more content. He felt the reason for this was their high regard for the Bible and urged people to get back to the Bible and experience for themselves “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding” (Phil 4:7). He offered the readers a free copy of the Bible Reader’s Calendar. He had over 70 requests and sent the calendar plus Introducing Bible Basics. There is still some interest and one who obviously thinks for herself is not happy with some of the teaching of the church and is now under instruction for baptism, and says she feels like a Christadelphian already. MH

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