Denial of One’s Salvation

I am thankful to have gone through a book entitled, “How Sure Are The Foundations?” The book is written by Bro Colin Badger. The writer appeals to the Roman Catholics on their claim and belief in foundations, which are clearly opposed to the scriptures.

Among many of the RC’s doctrinal foundations that our Brother has narrated are: the authority to baptize, child or infant baptism, immortality of man’s soul after death, advocacy of the Holy Spirit, the Pope’s infallibility, authoritative teaching, exhortation through the gift of the Holy Spirit, etc.

Brothers and sisters, many of us once believed such things, and it is not a surprise if the said foundations are still stuck in our brains. If they are then, of course, they jeopardize our faith in Christ. And because of our indigenous cultures and poor standards, most of us have not been able to abstain from bad things we inherited, but wrong teaching will lead us astray from the TRUTH and deny us salvation.

One among the many beliefs third world community members practice and take for granted is the offering of sacrifices to idols in commemoration of the deceased. Most of the remembered dead bodies are parents and grandparents who are thought to hear and answer prayers after the offering of sacrifices. This is a false dogma. With thorough knowledge many of us take part in feasting on whatever has been slaughtered and offered as sacrifice on the pretext that one is not concerned with the separations. That is very wrong and un-Christian.

If we fellowship those who hate God, He counts us as hating Him. If we fellowship with the darkness of apostasy, we share the same relationship with God as they (pagans) do.

Note that our Lord Jesus Christ ordered the healed Jewish leper to report to the priests (Matt 8:4; read also the law to the Jews, Lev 14:2-9). The covenant we are obliged to observe every Sunday and on whatever day is recorded in Matthew 26:26-28. After the resurrection from the dead, the Lord Jesus Christ, said to his disciples ”All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me…Teach observe all that I have commanded you” (Matt 28:18-20). He talks of the AUTHORITY of a new covenant for us to abide by, and to remember that Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for us for the cleansing of our sins. I appeal to you brethren and sisters who practice this type of traditional blood sacrifice to abstain from it. Stick to the TRUTH.

Bro Brown Silvane (Songea, Tanzania)

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