Jesus is not God
Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, I find myself on the horns of a terrible dilemma in listening to you speaking about the doctrine of the Trinity. It seems that I have an unthinkable alternative. Either I must believe that God who you say is co-equal with Jesus and co-eternal, that God died on the cross, or that Jesus of Nazareth did not die. Neither of those propositions can I accept and I believe that the doctrine of the Trinity does absolute violence to the plain teaching of Scripture. Jesus is not God, therefore.
I must confess that your question puzzles me because I should have thought it was perfectly obvious that it was a man that died on the cross.
You said he was God. Jesus is not God.
Exactly. But you see it was as man that he died.
God cannot die. Jesus is not God.
I said it was as man that he died.
You said he was going to reign as man as well.
Can we try and keep this as an open debate.
Sorry. If this gentleman wishes to say something to me afterwards, can I deal with that separately?
He is both man and God. That is the simple teaching as I understand it. As man he died, but he didn’t cease to be God because he was man. Jesus was God.